The Student's Guide To Nail Polish
So much makeup. Such little student finance. A fight against the draconian makeup policies of a Catholic school. (2013)
Archive for February 2010
Friday Time :)
My form tutor noticed them, but as there were only ten minutes left before we went home, he said they looked very pretty but they should be off by Monday.
They'll be off by Monday but I'll have probably replaced them by then...haha :) Thank goodness it's Friday! While I think school is alright I just felt really tired pretty much all this week. And I have a science module test on Wednesday...
Wow. There are quite a few good ones around at the moment, good luck!
The Chain Nail is giving away loads of nail stuff!
Painted Lady fingers is giving away Man Glaze Polishes. Nice :)
We are Fish and We Drown is also having a giveaway!
New: Romika's Nails are doing a giveaway but this is only open until 11:59 TODAY! 14th of March! So seriouly, I implore you to get a move on :P
‘Sup dawgs? First post of my new blog! My name is Lena, I’m fifteen and living in the UK right now. Became totally addicted to nail polish about three weeks ago and this is the product of my madness. Only in this country, I have to attend school five days a week. Nothing wrong with this apart from the fact that we have to wear uniform and hair extensions, make up, jewellery and nail polish are BANNED.
*cue shocked gasps and fainting*
You see what I have to work with? And to make matters worse, being a student, I’m usually broke :P So this blog is going to basically chronicle my attempts to circumnavigate the uniform policy while making nails look good on a budget (read: eBay and buying nail polish for like a pound over at Wilkinson’s) and avoiding the ultimate terror – being sent to the Head of Year’s to take off your nail polish. And I hope you’ll enjoy this journey with me!
Here are the official guidelines for my nail painting:
Mondays: Have to be relatively sheer or glittery with little to no nail art. You see, a Monday is the day our form tutor checks our nails. This will probably be the day that I review a sheer nail polish or clear.
Tuesdays: We have assembly on this day and usually I can sneak out without having my nails seen. I like to have my nails done on a Tuesday as I have violin lessons and everyone stares at your left hand, haha. So I’ll probably do some nail art on this day.
Wednesdays: No assembly, so the risk of being caught is slightly higher. But often I’ll embellish Tuesday’s design or try out a new mani altogether.
Thursdays: I help some of the year sevens that day, so hopefully might escape watchful eyes but can’t be sure. Usually I’ll have a completely new mani on that day but may just do an alternative French or something.
Friday: Assemblies. Go wild, because it’s the weekend!
Enough with the introductions already, let’s see some PICTURES.