Tuesday, October 05, 2010

First ASOS Order - Damn, they ship fast.

 Do you see it? DO YOU SEE IT? Haha, so excited. Got home from school to find this beauty on my kitchen table (thanks Mum). I only ordered on Monday, as well. Postage was a bit steep (£3.95 when the total of my items ordered only came to £4) but this was seriously quick so I'll let them off. Bought this with some of the money from my first pay cheque so I'm in a good mood!
 Nicely packed. Last thing that you want when ordering online is broken and leaking bottles of potential toxic fluid everywhere. I suppose the box is a bit big but whatever, I can reuse it.
Orange: Olivia
Purple: Megan
Green/Turquoise: Lily
Navy Blue: Alexa
Apparantly these are all named after famous fashion icons. I can guess the last two pretty easily but am kind of stumped on the first two. *ponders*
I haven't tried them out yet but they look /so/ incredibly pretty and cute. Can't wait.


  1. Hey hunny, asos sale was awesome

    I ordered megan, alexa, kate & eyeko indigo :-)

    I would assume

    Olive Polmero - the city- always wearing orange/red talons

    and maybe...Megan fox..lol who knows..
    Just a mad guess

    Hope studies going well xx

  2. Hey! It was wasn't it? And nice, we got some of the same colours! Great minds think alike :P

    Yeah, I was thinking Megan Fox (haven't heard of Olive Polmero lol) and also Lily Allen and Alexa Chung. Not sure really.

    My studies are going good thanks, you? From what I hear you've been swamped with work :(

  3. I think she meant "Olivia Palmero". I'm not sure if I should order some though because shipping is outrageous to Canada.

  4. I have some asos paint pots too, but I have Sienna, Chloë, Blake and Lauren.
    And yeah, they mean Olivia Palermo, you know, from MTV's The City. Megan Fox, Lilly Allen, Alexa Chung, those are all right :) So glad that shipping became cheaper in Europe!


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